NGOs in the Fight Against Hunger and Malnourishment

Author: Erathi Anudeep
III Year | Amity University, Mumbai
There are around 700 million starving individuals on the planet today.[1] Consistently, 3 million youngsters below five die because of mediocre nourishment worldwide, and 66 million elementary school kids attend classes while being hungry in developing countries.[2] Undernourishment causes hindered development in kids and influences cognitive development. Sickness during pregnancy can result in the child being mentally ill, and there are chances of the mother dying during labour. Constant starvation makes both the kids and adults prone to common diseases. It can ultimately lead to their death because of excessive weight loss.
India tops the list of most undernourished countries, with 189.2 million malnourished residents.[3] Even though there was significant progress in the economy, the nation was not successful in ending hunger at the basic levels and is home to 14 per cent of the world’s malnourished.[4] What is more stunning is that the world supplies sufficient food to take care of everybody. Yet, poverty drives a lot of people to sleep on empty stomachs.
Role of NGOs In the Battle Against Hunger:
India Food Banking Network (IFBN) perceives that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play an important role in the battle against hunger, given their aptitude and accessibility to the malnourished and the oppressed. IFBN stretches out coordination to NGOs in upholding and tending to the issue of hunger. The NGOs can contact the nearby Food Banks and work in a joint effort to serve their recipients better. They can source great quality, cost-effective and non-perishable food products (counting grains like rice, wheat flour, pulses etc.) for conveyance from the Food Banks.
NGOs have consistently had a focal part in food distribution: Identification of the focus groups with immediate needs, observing the groups and their health status, recognizing most weak families inside groups, estimating the affect of food dispersion, and supplying the food. They have been at the front-line of backing endeavours to guarantee enormous food aid (for example, US food excesses) that don’t sabotage local business sectors and subsequently eliminate the occupations of local farmers.
Many International NGOs have since a long time ago had an arrangement of buying nourishment for crisis relief. NGOs have tried different things with options in contrast to food distribution. For example, the ‘Community-Based Therapeutic Feeding (CTC)’ model, a model to treat severe acute malnutrition at home, was first tested by NGOs. Numerous NGOs are currently likewise testing cash distribution or money by-phone circulations.
Example of NGOs of Maharashtra:
The Academy of Development Science (ADS) has worked with NGOs to set up grain banks in various areas in Maharashtra. ADS arranges restraint building programs on food security for NGOs.
Grain Banks are also presently gradually coming to shape in various parts of Maharashtra. Further, ADS strives to set up Grain Banks to work with and replicate through different NGOs. They also aim to impact the Government’s approach on food security, accordingly delivering rich profits. The ADS Grain Banks program is recognized as a successful and inventive food security intervention.
Works of Well Known NGOs in This Regard:
Akshaya Patra:
Akshaya Patra is one of the world’s biggest non-profit mid-day meal providers. Indeed, they started a school lunch program way before the Government of India made it necessary for all elementary schools to give mid-day meals. It began in the year 2000 in Karnataka and currently serves more than 1.8 million students in 19,039 Government schools and government-aided schools. They work in association with the centre and state governments and with subsidizing from private contributors.[5]
The establishment capacities on a rule of complete clarity and reveals all its finances on its website. It runs both incorporated and de-unified kitchens. The employees are women and the self-help groups (SHGs) that are prepared and guided by individuals from the establishment. They supply nutritious food prepared in clean kitchens and work in 14 states and 2 Union territories in India.[6]
Feeding India:
Feeding India’s volunteers, known as Hunger Heroes, have been trying to provide food for the hungry for two years now. They gather extra or remaining food from gatherings, weddings or different occasions and give it out in shelter homes. This association has a helpline number and a mobile App through which benefactors can advise them about the food they want to contribute. Volunteers at that point approach the contributors to check the food and transport it to its destination. Moreover, they have likewise collaborated with catering organizations. These organizations inform them about functions/gatherings ahead of time to have an ordinary food inventory.
Feeding India works in 57 cities today with 8,500 volunteers and has served more than 8.5 million meals up until now.[7] They don’t just supply any meals to individuals, but they choose and give them depending on the nutrition needs of those who they serve. Feeding India strives to enhance well-being, diminish disparities, and eliminate hunger through hyperlocal food dispersion.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization:
The International World Food Day commemorates the development of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). It was first observed in 1979, and it is a day to bring issues to light and resolve hunger. The United Nations has highlighted the significance of finishing world hunger to accomplish sustainability. The UN is working towards this by making ‘zero hunger’ a significant feasible improvement objective (SDG) for 2030.
Efforts by the Government to Address Hunger and Undernourishment:
The Mid Day Meal Scheme (under the Ministry of Education) is a centre-supported plan started in 1995. It is the world’s biggest school meal program and expects to achieve the objective of universalization of elementary education.
This Scheme provides prepared meals to students within the age of six to fourteen years studying in classes 1st to 8th who are enrolled and go to school. Its goal is to address hunger and undernourishment, increase enrolment and participation in school, improve socialization among ranks, and give employment at the grassroots level, particularly to women. On the off chance that the Mid-Day Meal isn’t given in school because of the non-accessibility of food grains or some other explanation, the State Government pays food security allowance by the fifteenth of the following month.
Three thousand kids die each day in India because of hunger-related diseases,[8] and 57 per cent of women between the ages of 15 and 59 experience the ill effects of anaemia.[9] This is despite food production arriving at new highs. World Food Day is a reminder that monetary disparity is barring many individuals from access to essential food. Poverty and hunger go hand-in-hand. Unless we bring issues to light and battle for the advancement of impeded groups, the world can’t work towards eliminating hunger.
[1] This World Food Day, Nearly 700 Million People Are Hungry, OCHA (Oct.16, 2020),
[2] Caryn Carver, The issue that’s affecting schoolchildren around the world, Global Citizen (July 18, 2015),
[3] Hunger in India, India Food Banking Network (May 29, 2022, 11:00 pm),
[4] Id.
[5] Role of Akshaya Patra, Akshaya Patra (May 29, 2022, 11:00 pm),
[6] Id.
[7] This is how this OYW Ambassador is serving millions of meals in India, One Young World (May 29, 2022, 11:00 pm),
[8] Akshaya Patra (May 29, 2022, 11:00 pm),,malnourished%20children%20live%20in%20India
[9] Anaemia Cases on Rise Across India: Check Cause, Symptoms, Treatment HERE, India.Com (May 28, 2022),
Editor: Anugra Anna Shaju
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[…] have a negative impact on the country’s economy[1]. Additionally, many people in North Korea are malnourished and endure great poverty, yet the leadership ignores their plight, according to several press […]